kr 575.00
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 anti-inflammatorisk og smertelindrende, styrker huden, ledd og muskelplager og avgifter

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MSM is an organic sulfur compound which can be used in combination with other herbal products, to strengthen the absorption and effectiveness of nutrients. MSM is a good aid to promote joint and muscle wellbeing and functions.

MSM helps in maintaining normal operation of joints and tendons, the sulfur acts as a building material in the body, including the articular surfaces, cartilage, skin and connective tissues.

Dosage :

horse 500 kg:

1-2 tablespoons/ day.

For joint disorders, dosage should be 1 to 4 tablespoons a day

For muscle injury and heat rashes, dosage should be 2 -8 tbsp a day

The maximum daily dose is 1,5- 2 g / day / kg body weight of the hors.

Dogs: 0,5 to 1,5 teaspoons, max 1,5 -2 g / kg body weight / day.

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